RubyC 2016
I was invited to speak at RubyC in June 2016. RubyC is a two day conference in Kiev, Ukraine which is organised by the lovely people of Svitla Systems Inc.
RubyC is a great conference for approximately 400 Ruby developers that is held each year in Kiev. If you ever get the chance to go, I would highly recommend it.
I'd like to say a big thank you to the organisers for inviting me and looking after us so well. I hope I'm able to come back again!
For those that couldn't make it, here is the video of my talk about how to make Rails apps maintainable using a gem I created called Rectify. I hope you enjoy it. As always, any feedback would be great so feel free to contact me on Twitter at @andypike.
The crowd were amazing! Everyone was really friendly and I enjoyed speaking with lots of interesting people.

To accompany the video, here are my slides. I hope you find them useful.
There's also a hype video pretty much sums up the event. If you watch closely you'll event see me arm wrestling on stage. Thanks again to all the organisers for a great event.